Bataan Memorial Death March (Virtual) AAR

Total Rucksack Weight: 48.09 lbs

The March

I left my house at 12:04 am and I was a little bit tired. I was debating in my head if I should go through with it. However, I keep ongoing.

A few minutes later, I started to feel it on my right shoulder blade. I tried to adjust the rucksack, but I was having issues. One of the straps on the bag was stuck.

A few miles later, I stopped at a bus stop and decided to rest for a bit and take some painkillers. I could describe the rest of this journey as painful, exhausting, and looking for a bathroom.

Damn, the bathroom situation was something else that night. I felt like a fucking zombie that night roaming down the streets.

A few hours later, I reached the mountain.

I was resting for a bit; however, the app glitched. I believe it added more miles. That was some bullshit. A few minutes, apparently, I was finished.

I couldn’t do anything about that glitch. So I was done for the day.

Arriving home, I couldn’t walk for jack shit, and taking off that rucksack felt amazing. I was exhausted and fell asleep.

Next time, I would rather do the event in person. I would have finished in 12 to 14 hours if that damn app didn’t glitch.

Overall Injuries

My forefoot was in pain. It felt like I had a meat tenderizer and decided to whack my foot for a couple of hours. Damn, it was painful going downhill.

I was surprised I didn’t get any blisters. My shoulders were worn out, and I felt it more in the right shoulder blade.

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